What’s all in it?
- Original – Lemon, Ginger and Honey.
- Tropical – Lemon, Ginger and Honey but infused with Pineapple.
- Sea Moss can be added to either flavors as an option at an additional cost.
What are the benefits?
(Based on testimonials and natural or holistic medical professionals – Not confirmed by the FDA)
- Helps control/reduce Blood pressure
- Helps control/reduce Diabetes
- Reduces inflammation
- Promotes healthy hair, skin and nails
- Fights poor circulation
- Detoxes the colon
- Aids in weight loss
- Helps cure the common cold/flu
- AMAZING Energy
How do you drink it or what are the instructions?
Duhhh you drink it.
- Keep refrigerated
- Shake well before each use
- Add your preference of natural sweetener to taste because it is unsweetened.
- 1 to 2 cups a day is recommended
- Most beneficial if consumed warm, but you can add ice for a cool crisp refresher
** Remember to drink plenty of water throughout the day to help flush toxins.
Is it safe for pregnancy?
We recommend that you always consult with your physician first, however the ingredients are all natural and should be safe for all parties.
Does this interfere with any medication?
We recommend that you always consult with your physician first, however the ingredients are all natural and should be safe for all parties.
How much does it cost ?
Its cheaper than health insurance.
Check out our prices and feel free to shop around.